# Servertest.pl
# -----------------------------------------------------
# Check that all of the required modules can be located
# ---------------------------------
# Let's see what our environment is
$newline = "\n";
$cgimodule = "ftp.cpan.org/pub/perl/CPAN/modules/by-module/CGI/CGI.pm-2.56.tar.gz";
$lwpmod = "ftp.cpan.org/pub/perl/CPAN/modules/by-module/LWP/libwww-perl-5.47.tar.gz";
$httpmod = "ftp.cpan.org/pub/perl/CPAN/modules/by-module/HTTP/HTTP-Request-Form-0.5.tar.gz";
$urimod = "ftp.cpan.org/pub/perl/CPAN/modules/by-module/URI/URI-1.04.tar.gz";
else {
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
$newline = "
$cgimodule = "ftp://ftp.cpan.org/pub/perl/CPAN/modules/by-module/CGI/CGI.pm-2.56.tar.gz";
$lwpmod = "ftp.cpan.org/pub/perl/CPAN/modules/by-module/LWP/libwww-perl-5.47.tar.gz";
$httpmod = "ftp.cpan.org/pub/perl/CPAN/modules/by-module/HTTP/HTTP-Request-Form-0.5.tar.gz";
$urimod = "ftp.cpan.org/pub/perl/CPAN/modules/by-module/URI/URI-1.04.tar.gz";
# --------------------------------------
# Check for the required version of PERL
eval "require 5.004";
print "Checking PERL version...";
if ($@) {
print "$newline"."This program requires at least PERL version 5.004 or greater.$newline";
exit 0;
print " OK$newline";
# -------------
# Check for CGI
print "Checking for CGI...";
eval "use CGI";
if ($@) {
print "$newline"."The CGI module could not be located. You will need to grab this module from $cgimodule and install it.$newline";
exit 0;
print " OK$newline";
# ---------------------
# Check for HTTP
print "Checking for HTTP...";
eval "use HTTP::Request";
if ($@) {
print "$newline"."Could not find the HTTP module. You will need to grab this module from $httpmod and install it.$newline";
exit 0;
print " OK$newline";
# ---------------------
# Check for libwww-perl
print "Checking for LWP...";
eval "use LWP::UserAgent";
if ($@) {
print "$newline"."Could not find the LWP module. You will need to grab this module from $lwpmod and install it.$newline";
exit 0;
print " OK$newline";
# ---------------------
# Check for fcntrl
print "Checking for Fcntl...";
eval "use Fcntl";
if ($@) {
print "$newline"."Could not find the Fcntl module. $newline";
exit 0;
print " OK$newline";
# -------------------------
# Check for URI
print "Checking for URI...";
eval "use URI::Escape";
if ($@) {
print "$newline"."Could not find URI. You will need to grab this module from $urimod and install it.$newline";
exit 0;
print " OK$newline";
print qq~
Everything is in place and functional. You can run POD.