# ---------------------------------------------------- # Configuration File for OpenJournal v2.07 # ---------------------------------------------------- # Installation Instructions: # ---------------------------------------------------- # To get started, copy these files to your cgi-bin directory: # oj.cgi # oj.cfg # auth.pl # # Remove ".txt" from filenames if you downloaded the files # individually. Change "oj.txt" to "oj.cgi" # # Create two subdirectories in your cgi-bin directory called # "ojauth" and "ojtemplates". # # Create a subdirectory called "oj" # in your Web site's main HTML directory. Then create another # subdirectory underneath "oj" called "story". (You can change # the names of these defaults below if you want.) # # Chmod 777 your main /oj and /oj/story directories # Chmod 777 your /cgi-bin/ojauth directory # Chmod 755 your /cgi-bin/ojtemplates directory # # Note: You may need to better understand your Web host's # directory permissions and how your Web host is running # your Web server. In some cases, chmod'ing directories # to just 755 will work fine. In other cases, it won't. # Be careful with your directory security and do only # the minimal necessary to get the program to work. # Chmod'ing to 777 is a method of last resort. # # Copy all of the default template files into the /cgi-bin/ojtemplates # directory. Edit these files to reflect your own site's look and feel. # Read the "readme" file in the templates directory which describes # the use of the variables. # # Then go through the rest of this configuration file and ensure # all of the paths and directories are set to reflect your server # layout. The program will try and create any additional files it # needs to run properly. If it cannot, it will provide you with # an error message, usually as a result of permissions not being # properly set on a directory. # # The 2.x versions of OpenJournal make use of the auth.pl # perl script to handle its authentication routines, written # and copyrighted by Gossamer Threads (http://www.gossamer-threads.com/). # It is used within OpenJournal by permission. # ---------------------------------------------------- # Configuration Section for OpenJournal v2 # ---------------------------------------------------- # Path to your Web site's main HTML directory (where the oj subdirectory is; # no trailing slash). This is also known to some people as their FTP directory. $mydir = "/home/httpd/html"; # Complete path to your cgi-bin directory (no trailing slash). This is similar # to what you put above, except it's to your site's program or cgi-bin directory. $progdir = "/home/httpd/cgi-bin"; # Name of the OpenJournal directory (oj is default; no trailing slash). If you # want OJ to manage your main homepage, put nothing between the quotes (like "") # and edit the index file in the ojtemplates subdirectory to look like your # homepage (keep the OJ HTML comments in the template file, though!). $ojdir = "/oj"; # Web path to OpenJournal program (how you access your site's cgi-bin directory # from your Web browser). $cgi_url = "/cgi-bin/oj.cgi"; # Name of your Web server (no trailing slash): $baseurl = "http://www.myserver.com"; # Name of your OpenJournal: $title = "my open journal"; # Name of subdirectory in the oj directory where archives of old articles # and indexes are kept (story is default): $mesgdir = "story"; # Default extension of file names (htm is default): $ext = "htm"; # Default name of your index file (index is default): $mesgfile = "index." . $ext; # Will this OpenJournal be used by more than one person contributing to # the same journal? Multiple users are supported per journal. # 1 = Multiuser on, 0 = Multiuser off (default) $multiuser = 1; # 1 = On, 0 = Off # Your OpenJournal will automatically archive itself if you want it to. # This means the main index file will be saved as an archived index file # and is then available in the /oj/story subdirectory. # Automated indexing uses the day of the week to determine whether to # archive the main index file and start a fresh page for you. It only # works reliably if you log in every day. # Day to archive: 0=Sun, 1=Mon, 2=Tues, etc. # If you only want to archive once a month, set this to 30. # If you want to turn this function off, set to 99999. $daytoarchive = "5"; # Your local time zone: $timezone = "EDT"; # User Interface Specifications # ----------------------------- # The below customizations just change how the user interface to OJ appear. # Most of them do not affect OJ's output to your Web page. # Specify the HTML BODY colors and background image for the program to use: # (be careful not to remove the qq or the tildes on either end) $colors = qq~ bgcolor="#FFFFEE text="#000000" link="#000077" vlink="#884400" ~; $background = qq~ background="" ~; # Pick a default font face, size, and table color for the program to use: $font = "arial,helvetica"; $size = "-1"; $tcolor = qq~ bgcolor="#CCCCAA" ~; $tbcolor = qq~ bgcolor="#005544" ~; $tbfontcolor = "#FFFFFF"; $tbfont = "verdana,ms sans serif"; $linebr = "
"; # What to use between entry title and entry blurb $target_window = ""; # If you want to open an article link in a different window, just name it here # The amount of time in seconds that user files are kept in the # auth directory before the program removes them: # (Setting this to too short a time will timeout the user before # giving them the chance to write their entry.) $auth_time = 3600; # 1 hour (in seconds) # If you have troubles with file locking, set this to 0: $db_use_flock = 1; # If you want to keep the authorization or template files someplace other than in the cgi-bin # directory, set this to something else (default is recommended): # (Do not place the template files in the ojauth directory, or they will be deleted # automatically by the program from time to time!) $auth_dir = "$progdir/ojauth"; $tplt_dir = "$progdir/ojtemplates"; # If you want to change the name of the userfile, do so here (ojaccess.db is default): $auth_pw_file = "$progdir/ojaccess.db"; # ---------- Probably nothing else you need to -------------- # ---------- configure below this point. -------------------- # For future use $auth_no_authentication = 0; $auth_logging = 0; $auth_allow_default = 1; @auth_default_permissions = (1,1,0,0,0); $auth_signup = 1; @auth_signup_permissions = (1,1,1,1,0); $auth_modify_own = 1; $auth_view_own = 0; $auth_user_field = -1; $auth_logoff = "$baseurl$cgi_url"; # Date functions now work cross-platform ($second, $minute, $hour, $date, $month, $year, $day) = (localtime)[0..6]; $year = $year + 1900; @nameday=("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"); @namemonth=("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ); $long_date="@nameday[$day], @namemonth[$month] $date, $year"; $w = (localtime)[6]; $today = (localtime)[3]; $lastmonth = $month; # $nfn = sprintf("%2i%2i%2i%2i%2i",($month+1),$date,($year%100),$hour,$minute); $nfn = sprintf("%02i%02i%02i%02i%02i",($month+1),$date,($year%100),$hour,$minute); @weekago=localtime(time-604800); $lastweek = "$namemonth[$weekago[4]] $weekago[3], $year"; if ($hour < 12) {$ampm = "AM"} else {$hour = $hour - 12; $ampm = "PM"} if ($hour == 0) {$hour = $hour + 12} $ptime = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d %s %s",$hour,$minute,$second,$ampm,$timezone); # $ngn = sprintf("%2i%2i",($month+1),$date); $ngn = sprintf("%02i%02i",($month+1),$date); @dayago=localtime(time-86400); $nyn = sprintf("%02i%02i",($dayago[4]+1),$dayago[3]); $blurbonly = 0; $pt = 1; $basedir = $mydir . $ojdir; $john = $baseurl . "/"; $idxurl = $baseurl . "$ojdir/"; $db_script_url = "$baseurl$cgi_url"; # ------------- End Configuration Area ---------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------- # Misc Subroutines # ----------------------------------------------------------- sub parse_form { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Parses the form input and returns a hash with all the name # value pairs. Removes SSI and any field with "---" as a value # (as this denotes an empty SELECT field. my (@pairs, %in); my ($buffer, $pair, $name, $value); if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'GET') { @pairs = split(/&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}); } elsif ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'POST') { read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer); } else { &cgierr ("This script must be called from the Web\nusing either GET or POST requests\n\n"); } PAIR: foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair); $name =~ tr/+/ /; $name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; # 2.07 --- patch start --- $name =~ s/\0//g; $value =~ s/\0//g; # 2.07 --- patch end --- (exists $in{$name}) ? ($in{$name} .= "~~$value") : # If we have multiple select, then we tack on ($in{$name} = $value); # using the ~~ as a seperator. } return %in; } sub cgierr { # -------------------------------------------------------- # Displays any errors and prints out FORM and ENVIRONMENT # information. Useful for debugging. if (!$html_headers_printed) { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; $html_headers_printed = 1; } print "
\n\nCGI ERROR\n==========================================\n";
        $_[0]      and print "Error Message       : $_[0]\n";
        $0         and print "Script Location     : $0\n";
        $]         and print "Perl Version        : $]\n";
        $db_setup  and print "Setup File          : $db_setup.cfg\n";
        $db_userid and print "User ID             : $db_userid\n";
        $db_uid    and print "Session ID          : $db_uid\n";

        print "\nForm Variables\n-------------------------------------------\n";
        foreach $key (sort keys %in) {
                my $space = " " x (20 - length($key));
                print "$key$space: $in{$key}\n";
        print "\nEnvironment Variables\n-------------------------------------------\n";
        foreach $env (sort keys %ENV) {
                my $space = " " x (20 - length($env));
                print "$env$space: $ENV{$env}\n";
        print "\n
"; exit -1; } sub signup { # -------------------------------------------------------- # my $message; unless ((length($in{'userid'}) >= 3) and (length($in{'userid'}) <= 12) and ($in{'userid'} =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/)) { $message = "Invalid userid: $in{'userid'}. Must only contain only letters and be less then 12 and greater then 3 characters."; } unless ((length($in{'pw'}) >= 3) and (length($in{'pw'}) <= 12)) { $message = "Invalid pw: '$in{'pw'}'. Must be less then 12 and greater then 3 characters."; } open (PASS, "<$auth_pw_file") || &create_pass_file; if ($db_use_flock) { flock(PASS, 1); } while () { /^\Q$in{'userid'}\E:/ and ($message = "userid already exists. Please try another."); } close PASS; if ($message) { &print_new_auth($message); return; } # Add the userid into the file with default permissions. open (PASS, ">>$auth_pw_file") or &cgierr ("unable to open: $auth_pw_file.\nReason: $!"); if ($db_use_flock) { flock(PASS, 2) or &cgierr("unable to get exclusive lock on $auth_pw_file.\nReason: $!"); } srand( time() ^ ($$ + ($$ << 15)) ); # Seed Random Number my @salt_chars = ('A' .. 'Z', 0 .. 9, 'a' .. 'z', '.', '/'); my $salt = join '', @salt_chars[rand 64, rand 64]; my $encrypted = crypt($in{'pw'}, $salt); # my $permissions = join (":", @auth_signup_permissions); print PASS "$in{'userid'}:$encrypted\n"; close PASS; &return_html("User added"); } sub return_html { $error = $_[0]; &header("$error"); print "

$title: $error

\n"; print "

\n"; &footer; } sub error { $error = $_[0]; &header("$error"); print "

error: $error

\n"; print "Back to OpenJournal\n"; # v2.06 - 02/05/2004 - Log security issues if ($error =~ /Hack/) { open (LOG, ">>$mylog"); flock(LOG, LOCK_EX); seek (LOG, 0,2); print LOG "$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}|$error|$long_date at $ptime\n"; close LOG; } # ---------- &footer; } sub header { $subtitle = $_[0]; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "$title: $subtitle\n"; } sub footer { print qq~
Powered by OpenJournal
v2.0 open source software by J Grohol
~; exit(0); } sub create_pass_file { open DET,">$auth_pw_file" or &cgierr ("unable to open: $auth_pw_file.\nReason: $!"); print DET " \n"; close(DET); &signup; } 1;