


Guy Grohol.com

open source downloads

Personal Open Directory v1.60n - Netscape version
And, In Fact, No Longer Works!
Use this version instead.

Ever want to provide a Web directory to your users, but don't want to just link to the wonderful Open Directory Project? Don't want to spend $200 for something which can do the same thing for free? Then POD is for you!

The Personal Open Directory calls the Open Directory Project to provide you and your users with a Web experience which looks like they've never left your site. It isn't done with homely frames or with the need to parse the huge RDFs from ODP itself, but rather grabbing the data in real-time from the Open Directory Project's Website.

A version of POD is available here which works directly with the Open Directory Project. This is the active development version which we encourage you to use; it is called the dmoz version. The version listed on this page is the outdated Netscape version which calls data from Netscape's version of the ODP.

Not only can you customize its output, but if you run or have access to MaxComm and are an Amazon.com Associate, it will automatically add book links to content pages and searches conducted through POD.
  • Direct access to the Open Directory Project via the Netscape Open Directory or the Open Directory Project
  • Completely customizable output
  • Complete searching available
  • With MaxComm, provides automated links to Amazon.com bookstore
    And best of all...
  • It's free!
Downloads & Support
Netscape version, v1.60n
  • zip archive of latest version

  • pod.cgi
    This is the main script. Installation instructions are found at the top of the script, which requires perl and access to a cgi-bin directory. These perl modules are also required.
  • podvars.pm
    Variables file. You must set the variables or POD will not function properly.
  • header.html
    This is where you customize the top of the output of the script to make it look like your site.
  • footer.html
    This is where you customize the bottom of the output of the script to make it look like your site.
  • install.txt
    Installation instructions - READ THESE!!
  • changelog.txt
    Change log
  • servertest.pl
    Check to ensure the needed perl modules are on your server

  • Support Forum
Sites Using POD
Netscape version


  • Can you add so-and-so feature?
    Generally, no. I wrote the script to show how easy it was to adapt an existing script to perform a similar function as a demonstration project. I also wrote it to show you don't need to spend $200 to get high-quality software.

  • Can you point to dmoz.org instead of directory.netscape.com?
    You have to install the dmoz version which is found here.

  • How come Google results aren't wrapped?
    Google is a proprietary, commercial search engine which does not use the open-source ODP data, therefore results from Google after the first page are not wrapped in the script. This will not change.

  • I'm getting a 500 Server Error!
    The most common reason for a 500 server error (assuming you haven't made any typos and changed the configuration variables properly) is that your Internet Service Provider does not have the proper perl modules installed. Double-check to ensure all perl modules POD needs are installed. I cannot help with perl module installation.

    perl Modules required:
    libwww-perl (Has the LWP and HTTP modules in it)

    Use servertest.pl to check to see if these modules are properly installed on your server.

  • All I'm getting are the header and footer files. What's up?
    If all the perl modules are properly installed (see above), then it's likely due to the Netscape Directory Web site being temporarily unavailable. That's why I'm working to develop a dmoz.org version.

  • POD's become very slow with this latest release.
    For some reason I haven't yet fathomed, breaking the variables out into their own file has resulted in an enormous slowdown of the script for some people (not me). Short-term solution is to simply add the variables back in directly to the script. Long-term solution is open to suggestions.

  • Can I get the script to start in a specific subdirectory?
    How about limiting it to only that directory?

    Yes, the first part is easy. Just link to the script with a URL like: http://www.yourdomain.com/cgi-bin/pod.cgi?dir=/Health/. This would start the user in the Health directory. The second question's answer is no, there is no easy or feasible way of imprisoning a user in a specific subdirectory.

  • Known Problems:
    • Searching for a term not contained within the directory results in an error message about a redirect. No known solution for this problem.

  • Mailing list:
    Subscribe today to my announcement and support mailing list on POD. I'll let you know when POD changes via this list, or of any enhancements to the script. Or signup via the Web.


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